Retirement Calculator!

This pension calculator estimates the potential Pension and Lump Sum for NPS subscribers at maturity, factoring in monthly contributions, reinvestment for annuity purchase, and assumed rates for returns and selected annuity.
Current Age Investment Value (₹)
If you have an existing NPS account, please input the current corpus. If you do not have an existing corpus, input a zero.
Current Age
Retirement Age:
The retirement age in NPS is 60.
Monthly Contribution
Input the amount you plan to invest monthly in the NPS account.
Annual Increment(%)
By what percentage do you plan to increase your monthly investment every year until retirement?
Total Incremental Investment - ₹ 5,965,988
Expected rate of return on NPS investment (%)
What is the average rate of return you expect on your NPS investment until retirement?
Income Tax Rate(%)
What is the Income Tax rate currently applicable to you?
% of pension wealth to be invested in Annuity plan
The minimum has to be 40% and the maximum is 100%
Expected rate of return (%)
Annuity Term 540 Month's
Expected terminal age
Upto what age do you expect to live?
Status of your Pension account at retirement
Wealth generated for retirement incremental investments
₹ 14,015,252
Total Wealth generated for retirement. (including current NPS investment)
₹ 15,189,545
Incremental tax saving till retirement
₹ 1,789,797
Pension amount invested in Annuity plan:
₹ 6,075,818
Pension / Annuity per month post retirement
₹ 40,098

Disclaimer: The above calculator is for information purpose only and does not construe to be any investment, legal or taxation advice. Any action taken by you on the basis of the information contained herein is your responsibility alone and Tata Pension Management Pvt. Ltd. will not be liable in any manner for the consequences of such action taken by you. Please consult your financial advisor / tax consultant before investing..

NPS Calculator